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Jonathan Alder High School

9200 US Route 42 S

We have the most important job in the world, educating children. That means you have entrusted us with the care and nurturing of your loved ones. In preparation for their future lives, we will be responsible for educating and guiding the young people who enter this building. With this enormous task at hand we promise the following...

 - We will always keep the best interest of your child at heart.

 - We will maintain high but reasonable expectations.

 - We will keep you informed about your child.

 - We will be firm but fair with all discipline.

 - We will never lose sight of the fact that children make mistakes and this is a natural part of the learning process.

In order to ensure the best education possible for your child, parents, and the school need to become partners. We will gladly accept our share of the responsibility of the education of your children. We need your support and cooperation as we attempt to make our school district the best it can be.

The State Department of Education awarded Jonathan Alder High School its highest rating for the 2004-05 school year. The EXCELLENT rating means that the school met the state standard on all 7 indicators on the state report card. These indicators include the students' performance on all five parts of the Proficiency Test, as well as attendance and graduation rates. This is an outstanding achievement, one which few high schools attain, and we will be celebrating this success during the year.
