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1702 Forest Hills Boulevard
We believe in :
Believer's Baptism for those who choose to follow Christ in a baptism by immersion.
Authority of the scriptures for all matters of faith and conduct.
Priesthood of believers where ministry belongs to the church as a whole; each person is a priest to the other.
Tolerance of the beliefs of others, recognizing that each person has the right to worship God as his or her conscience dictates.
Independence and interdependence of the local church: each is self-governing, yet maintaining a wider fellowship of cooperation.
Soul Liberty is the sovereignty of God over conscience: each person is responsible to God for his or her beliefs.
Triumph of the Lord Jesus Christ over sin and death and the only mediator between God and man, alive today and head of the church.
Separation of church and state: government shall make no law establishing religion or prohibiting its free exercise.