In 2005, we started JuJuBe with the belief that Mom’s deserve more from a baby bag than just “cutesy” pink and baby blue prints. They deserved a highly durable, functional bag, where every stitch counted, and where simply looking good wasn’t good enough. That’s where JuJuBe came to life.
We design high-quality, stylish bags and accessories for families just like ours—fun, active, and always on the go. All of our bags are designed by our in-house design team, and we make it our job to consider every detail of every product so that you don’t have to. Our commitment to intelligent design shows in every item we produce, and our bags are proof of our design philosophy as a company. We believe that we’re providing more than just bags and accessories—at the end of the day, we’re supporting an active, family-friendly lifestyle full of adventure for all of our customers.