Kell Consolidated School District #2 strives to provide each student with the opportunity to acquire the very best education according to his or her needs and abilities.
The development of ideals and the ability to think clearly, logically and independently are essential to life in a democratic society. The school district strives to use all possible resources, especially those of the community, to meet these goals.
Each child is expected to develop self-discipline based on respect for others. The school assists in this development by reinforcing and rewarding independent, responsible behavior. The school district also assists in this development by providing the necessary guidance and direction to aid individual students, as they become responsible citizens in a democratic society.
Based upon the belief that all students can learn and with the understanding that student learning capabilities may vary, it is the mission of the school to provide learning environments that allow students the opportunities to maximize their learning capabilities.
Kell Consolidated School District #2 and Kell Grade School provides all school district resident students with educational opportunities on a non discrimination basis without regard to a student's race, color, national origin, sex or disability status. Any questions, comments or complaints should be directed to the Superintendent of Schools, Kell District #2, Kell, Illinois 62853.