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Kiwanis Club of Bristol

Kiwanis is a service organization - not a social club, although enduring friendships are created through the Kiwanis spirit of fellowship that comes from mutual effort devoted to great and useful ends.

Kiwanis is often a public forum - but never a political circle. Meeting programs frequently provide platforms for the balanced, and impartial, presentation of public issues of interest to the members - and the community.

Kiwanis makes its activities known. It is not a secret society. There are no private rituals. Public awareness of Kiwanis activities is sought because it increases support for Kiwanis service efforts.

Kiwanis fosters principles of good citizenship and human values - it does not prescribe a way of life for others. And finally, the actions of each club are guided by the needs of its own locality. Kiwanis does not impose programs upon its club or members.