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Kiwanis was founded in Detroit, Michigan, 21 January 1915. It extended into Canada in 1916. Not until 1962 did it serve outside these two countries. Canby Kiwanis Club was chartered in 1938 and is a part of the Pacific North West District which includes a small portion of Northern California, all of Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Alaska, and British Columbia Canada & the Yukon. We are the only International District in Kiwanis International.Kiwanis is a worldwide service organization of individuals who want to improve their communities. As a Group they can achieve what they cannot do alone. These men and women attend Kiwanis club meetings for fellowship and inspiration. They perform voluntary community service through committees ... usually after normal work hours. Kiwanis is not a social club nor a secret or political society. It does not prescribe a way of life for others. It often does, however, act as a forum for diverse ideas.