The Kiwanis club of Steilacoom was first conceived in 1993 to meet the goals of community service and outreach. MG John Hemphill, USA Ret, Wolf Fletter, Terry Hulin, Dick Muri, John Inselman, and others realized that our community did not have a community service organization and researched to find which one would most fulfill the needs of the citizens of Steilacoom. Because of its vibrant community service programs, especially those targeted directly toward the future of our community and children, Kiwanis was selected as the organization that would best meet the needs of the community.
Our club has been blessed with many fine members and officers over the years and we take pride in the fact that everyone has been willing to take their turn in leadership roles. We are particulary pleased that we have never had to call on the same person more than once to serve as club president. This is a testiment to the commitment to service our members display.