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The club membership includes those in a wide range of occupations and age groups. Thus it offers the new member an opportunity to become personally acquainted with people of good standing in many vocations, with varied backgrounds and experience. Kiwanis is a fine opportunity to expand your own business and personal horizons and our club continues to actively seek new members who want to be involved in their community.
Since Kiwanis founding in 1915, the organization has grown to about 8,400 clubs in more than 70 nations. Kiwanis International has more than 600,000 members helping to improve people's lives on every continent.
Through its first Worldwide Service Project, Kiwanis International and its K-family--in partnership with the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)--is virtually eliminating the world's leading preventable cause of mental retardation: iodine deficiency disorders (IDD). More than 1.5 billion people--approximately one of every four persons alive today--are at risk of these disorders, which include stillbirths, cretinism, goiters, and physical impairment. Iodine deficiency also results in diminished academic performance and productivity.