Lake Dolloff Elementary, built in 1970, was named after Frank Dolloff, who was a homesteader here in the late 1800s. Strong parent involvement and a high degree of respect and responsibility shown by the students make this school unique. Lake Dolloff also maintains a very positive relationship with its neighbor, Kilo Middle School. Kilo students tutor Lake Dolloff students in the Power of One Program.
Our students learn leadership skills by participating in Student Council. Achievements are recognized in a variety of ways, including recognition assemblies, “Caught Doing Something Good” awards, and Lake Dolloff buttons and pennants. Because home and community also play a valued role in the social and academic development of students, many adult volunteers serve on PTA and on the Site Leadership Team. Parents and community members are encouraged to be involved in all aspects of the school. The school’s web site and newsletters, and reader board are important tools for communication.