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League of Women Voters of Grand Traverse Area

PO Box 671

The LWVGTA has
- Spearheaded efforts to bring a new library to the area
- Held forums on topics such as Welfare, Health Care Issues, and Auto Insurance Reform
- Promoted environmental responsibility since the 1960's, sponsoring a Community Pride Day devoted to cleaning the Boardman River
- Co-sponsored a 6-week symposium on Preserving Environmental Quality in the Grand Traverse area
- Prepared a booklet on pre-school and day-care services in the early 1970's
- Set up and staffed a Community Planning Information Center at the Traverse City Public Library
- Monitored federal government plans for the Sleeping Bear National Lakeshore and
- Opposed a planned development proposal for the Platte River Harbor
- Observed and monitored many governmental council, commission, board & trustee meetings