About Us:
The League of Women Voters is a non-profit organization dedicated to encouraging informed and active participation in government and politics. Issues, chosen by its members, form the core of League programs. The LWV does not support or oppose candidates or political parties. However, it does take positions on issues and works to advance these positions. Support of positions is determined through membership consensus after objective study.
To encourage participation in government, the League conducts voter registration drives, sponsors forums at which voters meet the candidates, and compiles and disseminates voter information. Publications on the process of government and various governmental issues are distributed to the public at little or no cost.
The League is supported by member dues and by contributions from those interested in its work. Membership is open to women and men; associate membership status is given to those who are not citizens and/or are under 18 years of age. Reduced rates are available for qualifying individuals. Local membership automatically enrolls the member in the State and National LWV. It is not necessary to live in Mansfield to be eligible to join the Mansfield League.
The Mansfield League of Women Voters was organized in 1941. During the years since then, its members have worked on many national, state, and local issues with notable success. Among the local achievements in which the informational studies and supportive actions of the league have played a decisive role are:
- Town Planning and Zoning
- Public Library Services
- Organization of Town Ordinances
- Full-Day Public Kindergarten
- Before- and After-School Programs
- Revisions of Town Charter
- Day Care Center
- Hazardous Household Waste Collection
- Environmental Conservation and Preservation
- Foreign Language beginning in Grade 2
- Bicycle and Walking Paths
- Assisted Living Housing for Aging, Moderate-Income Residents (in progress, Sept. 2009)
- Four School Building Project Forum (co-sponsored with Mansfield Advocates for Children)