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Little Falls United Methodist Church

139 Main Street


Our Vision was reaffirmed in 2007: "The Little Falls United Methodist Church is a welcoming community of disciples, striving to grow in faith and understanding. We worship God, experience God's love and serve God's world." This vision continues the journey of faith which John Wesley the founder of Methodist movement worldwide started over 250 years ago. He gave three General Rules to guide our everyday life:

    * Do no harm
    * Do good to all
    * Stay in love with God through the exercise of faith disciplines (as prayer, communion, Bible reading, fasting, spiritual friendship, giving, etc).

This is a modern confession that follows the Great Commandment given by Jesus from the Jewish scriptures: "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength, and with all your mind and your neighbor as yourself." (Luke 10:27; Deuteronomy 6:6)


The purpose of the church stretches back to the Old Testament when Abraham was “blessed to be a blessing to the world.” When we connect with God, we become plugged into the Source of all gifts and creativity who gifts us and enables us to enjoy spiritual growth and maturity in order that we may become a channel of God’s blessings and peace to the world. We receive in order to give. We give because we are thankful.

God is love. That’s what Jesus told and showed us through his life, teaching, death and resurrection. We are invited to know the manifold beauty of God who is ultimately mystery. So we strive to grow in faith and understanding, using all the creative intelligences God has given us: spirit, mind, emotion, body. We seek to know God in all his colors We see God in nature and history (green). We know God through Jesus in his revealed Word (red). We experience God’s power and presence through the Spirit in his healing, nurturing and loving ministry (blue).

We believe YOU are loved by God, have unique value and have a special purpose in life. Why not travel with us through life - finding your purpose, value and significance as we worship, love and serve God together.
