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Little Red Hen Urban Farm

931 22nd Street

Little Red Hen Urban Farm
Little Red Hen Urban Farm, allows its member to choose the produce that their family will utilize in their daily healthy lifestyle. We want our members to enjoy their vegetables. We grow chemical-free vegetables and fruits in an urban setting. We will be an four season operation this year using the Elliot Coleman method of growing produce.

CSA Details:
-Season:Year round
-Type:Single farm
-No of Shares:60
-Full Share:$15/week with 45-wk
-Work Req?:No

Pick Up/Drop Off Points:
Little Red Hen Urban Farm  (Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri)
We will delivery the produce to a central location where 10 or more members will be able pick up their vegetables.
-Contact:Jacqueline Cunningham-Walls
-Address:931 22nd Street,Rock Island, IL 61201

Little Red Hen Urban Farm  (Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri)
We will arrange drop off points that will accommodate our members
-Contact:Jacqueline Cunningham-Walls
-Address: 9th Street and 12th Avenue or 5th Street and 37th Avenue in RI. Ill.,Rock Island, IL 61201