Mission Statement:
-To live our lives in such a way that people are drawn into a personal relationship with Jesus the Messiah and connected with the larger family of God in a vital way.
-To encourage all toward the common pursuit of Christ-like maturity in every aspect of our lives.
-To nourish, sustain and train all believers for their unique God-given calling and ministry in the church and mission in the world.
-To bring the maximum glory to God throughout our lifetime.
About Us:
LBCF Long Beach Christian Fellowship is located in Long Beach, California.
Long Beach - We are a family of believers who actively embrace God's heart for the city of Long Beach. We care about the people who live in our community. We are committed to demonstrating God's presence and passion toward every person, each individually made in the image of our loving God.
Christian - We are a family of believers who have received the gift of eternal life present and available only in the person of Jesus Christ. We follow the teachings of the Bible, God's written revelation and we affirm their place of authority in the life of the Church. We are committed to pursuing intimacy with Jesus in our day to day life and we actively seek the fullness of the Holy Spirit so that the presence of the Lord Jesus may be seen more clearly in us with each passing day.
Fellowship - We are a family of believers, a community of ordinary people committed to love each other in an extraordinary way. We are able to love, accept and forgive one another because Jesus Christ loves, accepts and forgives each one of us. We are committed to walking in love toward one another. We are a family of believers committed to the idea of serving one another in love. We believe that loving one another is the true expression of spirituality.