In the fall of 1948 Bill Cunningham (1917-2003) newly hired Los Gatos Art Teacher, and Dr. Arturo Fallico, San Jose State Professor of Philosophy, were planting the seeds for the Los Gatos Art Association.
Both were teaching Art, adult education, at Los Gatos High School. Their discussion of a need for a visual arts group led to three organizational meetings chaired by Bill Cunningham.
Dr. Fallico would become our first President with Bill Cunningham our first Vice President.
In the spring of 1949 Florence Blakeslee, first Palette Editor, organized the Allied Arts Exhibit and out of this exhibit came many of the first 25 charter members of the Los Gatos Art Association.
Fifteen women and ten men put in place many of the nuts and bolts that still exist in our club today.
They include our By-Laws, The Palette, our slate of officers, incorporation and our History Book. In addition they instituted a spring and fall art show.
They reached out to the young people with art workshops and opportunities to show their work.