Lower Brandywine Presbyterian Church will be 300 years old in the year 2020. This longevity reflects the importance of our mission and the best efforts of those who came before us. As we look back...and forward...to this unique celebration, we want to ensure that we arrive at that date a vibrant part of the communities we serve. With that vision in mind, we’ve created the Vision 20/20 Series. The diverse nature of the events in this program is purposeful. We seek to reach each of the groups in our broader population. Programs are prepared to inform, educate, support or entertain. All are designed to add value to the lives of both members of the Lower Brandywine Congregation and the communities that surround us. You are cordially invited to join us for the programs of Vision 20/20. Just as you are always invited to join us, weekly, in your own Spiritual Journey here in our Sanctuary.