Good Shepherd is a community of people just like you who are seeking to live the abundant life Jesus offers by following Him together. We have our hopes and fears, our dreams and disappointments like everyone else, but by God’s grace we are finding new healing, strength, and meaning in our lives.
Whether you have grown up in church or have never been to church before, there is a place for you here at Good Shepherd. This booklet is full of information about ways you can get connected in our community. We have programs for all ages and backgrounds, opportunities to build relationships and grow spiritually almost every day of the week.
Our Mission is to:
-INVITE people into a relationship with God,
-GROW together as devoted followers of Christ, and
-SERVE others by the power of the Holy Spirit.
This statement of our Mission encompasses the three most crucial functions of our ministry: Evangelism, Discipleship, and Service. As we keep our focus on these priorities we will continue to move towards the fulfillment of our Vision. Not only does this statement describe our three main ministry priorities, but it outlines a cyclical process that will be further fleshed out in our “Strategy.”