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We utilize sustainable methods in our gardening approach. All of our produce is grown organically (non-certified), utilizing organically approved soil amendments, worm castings and beneficial insects. Each week members receive a variety of seasonal produce. Our goal is to provide quality produce and a place where community gathers in one of the oldest professions.
Check the website for specific details on how to join.
Mansion Farms operates a sustainable and organic farm and garden specializing in heirloom and organic varieties. We also raise Nigerian Dwarf Dairy, Boer Meat Goats and registered St. Croix sheep. Our alpaca, poultry, sheep and goats provide a steady supply of rich compost.
Our delicious and healthy eggs are from the pasture raised, day ranging chickens that are of the Buckeye, Rhode Island Red, Plymouth Rock and Buff Orpington breeds.
We also raise and train Livestock Guardian Dogs for farmers and ranchers to protect their livestock and poultry. These dogs protect our entire livery of animals.
CSA Details:
- Season: March through October
- Type: Single farm
- Since: 2007
- No of Shares: 50
- Full Share: $500.00 (Spring/Summer: 20 weeks), $300.00 (Summer: 12 weeks), $200.00 (Fall: 8 weeks)
- 1/2 Share: $250.00 (Spring/Summer: 20 weeks), $150.00(Summer: 12 weeks), $100.00 (Fall: 8 weeks)
- Work Req? No
Pick Up/Drop Off Points:
- Mansion Farms (Sat)
Members pick up their shares at the farm every Saturday from 10 am - 2 pm during harvest months
Contact: Sandra Moore