The Mission of the Goffstown School District is to provide the opportunity for each student to obtain a substantive, challenging, and appropriate education that is consistent with the student's abilities, offered within a safe environment, and serves as a foundation for life-long learning.
Our Vision
The Goffstown school district is an educational community where students, professional and support staff, parents, school board members, and the entire community value and support academic achievement and are proud to say:
"I go to school in Goffstown"...
"I teach in the Goffstown schools"...
"I work in the Goffstown schools"...
"I live in Goffstown"...
"My children attend Goffstown schools."
Our Guiding Principles
Academic Achievement. The Board values, celebrates, and expects substantive and measurable academic achievement.
Educational Standards. It is the Board's responsibility to set and articulate educational standards and to provide effective, high quality education in relationship to the community's ability and willingness to pay.
Policies. It is the Board's responsibility to provide clear direction and support to those who must implement its policies. Further, the Board must commit to specific mechanisms for ongoing assessment to ensure that its policies are implemented.
Mission. In the midst of all the things it has to do, the Board must never lose sight of its core mission, that the education of our students is our first priority.
Access. Equity of access to the full range of educational resources, opportunities, and services should be accorded to all students.
Self-esteem. Self-esteem, like respect and pride, must be earned and is a reward for real, measurable and meaningful accomplishments.
Discipline. In each of our schools, substantive and meaningful discipline policies will be administered appropriately, equitably and consistently.
Board-Public Interaction. The Board must provide the public with effective means for interacting with the Board in a non-threatening and respectful environment.
Life-long Learning. The Board values, encourages and promotes life-long learning.