About Mason Public Schools
Mason Public Schools is committed to providing educational opportunities ranging from a solid foundation of reading and mathematics to activities that challenge the intellect and help our students become active participants in the learning process. This commitment is supported with the many efforts of staff and community members. Through the hard work, creativity, and dedication of our staff and parent support groups, our students have been given many opportunities to prepare for future endeavors.
We are focused on quality improvement in every aspect of our operations from the instructional program to transportation, food service, maintenance, and administration. To meet this commitment, staff members are provided ongoing professional development opportunities to expand their knowledge and skills related to their areas of responsibility.
The Board of Education and the administration strive to provide quality facilities. The community approved a bond proposal in June 2004. As a result, a new outdoor athletic complex and swimming facility are scheduled for completion in August 2005 and 2006, respectively.
The community plays a vital role in the education of students. Through many innovative programs and activities we involve parents, senior citizens, business, industry, and service organizations in support of teaching and learning. This involvement adds value to the educational program and strengthens the sense of community and shared responsibility.
Educating a future generation is both an awesome responsibility and a magnificent opportunity. Mason Public Schools accepts this responsibility with full confidence that staff, parents, students, and community members working together can overcome any obstacles that lay ahead. We cherish the opportunity to have a positive impact on the next generation of young people, as we inspire and empower them to be successful in school and throughout their lives.