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The McLean Citizens Association (MCA) has served since 1914 as an unofficial town council for the residents of the McLean area which has no governmental structure of its own. MCA has provided a forum in which all McLean residents can discuss ways to resolve community problems and countywide issues affecting the area.
County supervisors, state legislators, county staff, and other public officials frequently address MCA meetings on matters of interest to McLean residents. The MCA serves as the umbrella organization for homeowner, civic, and community associations in the McLean Planning District.
Excellence in education
Adherence to the Comprehensive Land Use Plan
Prudent taxing and spending policies
Preserving/protecting our natural resources
Cost efficient and safe transportation facilities
The MCA is a non-profit corporation. It has a 40-member Board of Directors elected annually by the membership. The Board meets the first Wednesday of every month (except August) at the McLean Community Center. Board Meetings are open to the public.
The Board consists of an Executive Committee of six officers, 14 at-large members and 20 members representing neighborhood, homeowner, and community organizations.
There are three General Membership Meetings annually - one of them, in October, is usually a political forum at which MCA members can hear and question candidates for election to public office. Residents of the McLean Planning District are eligible to join. Dues are $15 a year.
Your dues are our only source of funding Become a member today and help make McLean a better place to live!