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Merritt Island Public Library

Merritt Island Public Library
1195 North Courtenay Parkway

Mission Statement

Brevard County Libraries enables people of all ages to improve their quality of life by providing information and enrichment through traditional resources and new technology.

Vision Statement

We will be recognized as a Library System that excels in providing efficient, modern, accessible and customer oriented services.

Community Description

The Brevard County Libraries is made up of sixteen public libraries. Located on Florida's Space Coast, Brevard County is unique geographically being 72 miles long and 25 miles wide at the broadest point. Brevard's geography coupled with limits of public transportation, necessitates that services be provided in as many locations as possible to serve the needs of the county residents.

Brevard is home to the Kennedy Space Center and major space-related industries and employs a highly technical labor force. Brevard County exceeds Florida's averages in the percent of residents with both high school and college educations for adults over 25 years.
