Mission Statement
Mid-Continent University is a Great Commission, Baptist, undergraduate and graduate, teaching institution whose primary purpose is to provide Christ-centered quality higher education. Instruction in the Bible and liberal arts is provided to traditional and non-traditional students through on-campus and off-campus programs that equip them for Christian leadership and service in a diverse society. Furthermore, the University seeks to:
-Equip and train students for carrying out the Great Commission of Our Lord (Matthew 28:18-20).
-Imbue students with a knowledge and understanding of other cultures and international events.
-Provide a quality education in both the arts and sciences and Biblical Studies from a Christian worldview.
-Facilitate student development by promoting the synthesis of academic knowledge and Christian values for spiritual, intellectual, social, and physical maturation.
-Encourage adult lifelong learning for people of diverse ages and educational levels in our communities.
-Provide leadership and service opportunities for our students in our communities.
-Foster competency appropriate to the degree level of the student in writing, reading, oral communication, fundamental mathematical skills, analytical reasoning, computer literacy, and library research.