History of Middletown Volunteer Fire Department:
The Middletown Volunteer Fire Department, Inc. signed Articles of Incorporation on October 28, 2004 by the Union Hose Company No. 1 organized August 19, 1827, the Liberty Steam Fire Company No. 1 organized November 7, 1874 and the Rescue Hose Company No. 3 organized July 16, 1888.
These three companies with combined history of 423 years voted to combine all operations under a single entity to better serve the Boroughs of Middletown and Royalton as well as provide mutual and automatic aid to the region.
Future activities include the application for a non-profit status from the Internal Revenue Service and the transfer of vehicle titles and property deeds to the department.
A significant milestone will be an evaluation of the department and resulting recommendations for the future of the community and its emergency services.
The members of the Middletown Volunteer Fire Department Inc. look forward to the future with Pennsylvania's newest volunteer fire department.