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Monroe Seventh-day Adventist Church

14118 Chain Lake Road

Mission Statement

The Monroe Seventh-day Adventist church exists to Exalt the Lord through Worship, Edify the Believer through Fellowship and Evangelize the lost through ministry.

Core Values

Mission Driven - the church must be single minded in its mission which is to share the gospel and make disciples for the Lord. If we are not driven by mission we will be driven to distraction.

Genuine Community and Safe Fellowship - the church is a hospital for sinners not a country club for saints. Within the Body of Christ people find a safe and caring fellowship.

Every Member a Minister - neither the pastor or a select few in the church can do all the ministry. God has gifted all His people with spiritual gifts and called them to serve and minister.

People of the Word - Jesus said man does not live by bread alone but by every word that comes from the mouth of the Lord. The Bible is our spiritual nourishment and guide for Holy Living.

Strengthened By Prayer - Jesus and the early church found its strength in prayer. The church is called to be on its knees in daily prayer. The more time we pray for one another the less time we have to prey upon one another.
Empowered By The Spirit - not by might or power but by my Spirit says the Lord. The church is called to live in the power of God's Spirit, making the church effective in its life and witness.

Unity In Christ - the last prayer of Christ was for His church to remain united. In unity we are strong; in division we are weak. Though diverse, we are one in Jesus Christ through the fellowship of the Spirit.

Sacrificial Stewardship - while the love of money is the root of all evil, the proper use of money can be a source of blessing to the cause of Christ. The church is called to give sacrificially and joyfully.

Looking Forward To The Second Coming Of Christ - Jesus left His disciples promising to return. The church lives in the light of His soon return. It is our Blessed Hope

About Us:

The Monroe Seventh-day Adventist Church, although an older congregation, is in many ways new. It is new in the fact that we are now worshipping in a brand new facility. But more importantly we are new and fresh in our ideas and passionate worship of Jesus. Over the last five years many young families and couples have moved into the area and started attending church, making for a nice blend of the old and the young. We are a Christ-centered congregation that celebrates the seventh-day Sabbath each week and joyfully looks forward to the return of Jesus Christ. We believe the church is to be a hospital for sinners and not a country club for saints. So if you’re hungry for God, searching for meaning, desiring community or longing for a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ we invite you browse our web site for more information or better yet come and visit us in person! We would love to have the opportunity to meet you.
Pastor Mike
