In April of 1819 Austin Badger settled in Montville township as did Samuel Brown about the same time. Badger was a single man, ambitious and industrious. Brown had a family for whom he started to build a cabin and Badger cleared some land and planted corn in the clearing. A short time later Badger went to Euclid and married Catherine Rouple in 1820 and returned to his land in Montville. He was advised and employed by Rufus Ferris who admired the energetic young fellow. Mrs. Badger taught in one of the first schools of Montville. Her death was the first in the little new settlement. She left a daughter Lucia who married Charles Booth of Medina. A window in the Episcopal church at Medina bears the name of Booth and Badger.
In the year of 1820 there was much emigration to Ohio. In a very few years many settlers came to Montville. Parker Pelton, Philo Welton, Thomas Currier and Joseph Pimlot were living in Montville township in 1820. July 4th of 1820 was celebrated by ever settler in the township going to Medina's Square and feasting on roasted lamb, sheep and chickens. Three ox teams carried the whole population to Medina and Ausin Badger made sure that no one in Montville stayed away from the celebration.
Montville township was organized in 1820. The township trustees were T. M. Currier, Aaron Smith and Austin Badger. No constable was elected for all the voters though there would be no need of one. Ten votes were polled at the first election. At this period the settlement contained Sith Hoyt, Amasa Smith in addition to those named