Each human being is created in the image of God, that God created male and female, that marriage is the union of one man and one woman, and that marriage and the family are the foundation of civil society.
Jesus Christ died for your sins, simply because He loved you. If you “believe on Him” and accept Him into your heart, you will have “everlasting life”. My job is to keep believing. His job is to give everlasting life.
a true Christian involved in a relationship with Christ, has turned away from a life of sin, and turned to a life devoted to Christ.
if you refuse His payment for your sins, you will have to suffer eternally for your sins yourself, in hell.
unless Jesus is Lord of your life, no other doctrine, theology, or opinion is worth discussion. In other words on judgment day, outside of salvation, nothing else matters.
if you are in a relationship with Christ, no one has to remind you that He hasn’t or won’t change His mind about you. My relationship with Christ assures me of my salvation, not someone telling me. If I have to be told, something is wrong with me, not with God.
our focus in life should be on our relationship with Christ, and not on God’s position. That is automatic to the believer.
you can’t have Salvation (married to Christ) without Relationship, and you can’t have Relationship (accountability & commitment) without Salvation. The two are inseparable.
you are what you eat. Fruit doesn’t lie. You don’t have to inform others you are in a relationship with Christ. It’s very obvious. Either He lives through you, or He doesn’t. “A Candle Can’t Be Hidden”.
God is no respect of persons. ALL ACTS written and experienced in the New Testament which includes: gifts, miracles, signs, wonders, healing, tongues, infilling of the Holy Spirit are still “active” and “available” today. Jesus said; “greater things than these shall you do”, and “whosoever hungers and thirsts after righteousness, shall be filled”. He never mentioned a statue of limitations. He also said “you have not, because you ask not”.
God is not a grocery store. You cannot pick and choose the things you like, understand, or feel comfortable with concerning Him and His Word, and leave the rest on the shelf. He gave His All for You.
pride is still the common thread of sin, just as it was with Satan’s fall. Christians must never forget this, and live a life that is humble before the Lord.
Church should never be predictable or boring. We as Americans complain of eating the same food two days in a row, but think nothing, of never offering anything “fresh and exciting” to the Lord.
Christians are color blind. Really, a soul is all we should ever see.
in the Rapture of the Church (the Bride of Christ); in Holy Communion; in Faithfulness to God, Family, & the Church; in Daily Devotion & Prayer; in a Holy lifestyle, which without, no man shall see God.