The summer of 2015 marks our 90th summer of offering high quality camping programs for children and teens. Our programs focus on helping campers develop the skills that are necessary for them to have great success in life. We believe our programs help children gain confidence, make great friends, teach lifelong skills and further their maturity. If your family is looking for adventurous, fun, safe and meaningful experiences, then Mystic Lake YMCA Camp is the perfect place for your child this summer!
As you explore our different camp offerings please keep in mind that all of our programs place a strong emphasis on skill building, team building and personal growth. Whether your child registers for our traditional Mystic Experience program (ages 7-14) or opts for one of our many specialty camps, (such as Fishing, Horseback Riding, Teen Adventure, etc.), we believe you will find comfort in knowing they are safe and having fun!
Thank you for taking the time to check us out. We look forward to a long and meaningful relationship with your family.