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Napa Valley Center For Spiritual Living

1249 Coombs St.

Mission and Vision:

We are an inclusive community for Spiritual Growth and Compassionate Action.

We are Creating a World that Works for Everyone by living intentionally, loving unconditionally and seeing God in all people and all faiths.

As a community we embrace all faiths, cultures and orientations, provide enlightened education, inspire personal empowerment, develop Spiritual practices of prayer and meditation, and celebrate creativity and joy.


About Us:

We are a loving, dynamic spiritual community that believes in the oneness of life. We believe in a loving Mother Father God that is all wise, all powerful and everywhere present. We believe the highest God and the innermost God are one. We believe in Prayer. Prayer is turning our attention toward God and accepting the Good God has for us. We attune and orchestrate our thought and emotions to our higher purpose.

We believe we are here to express our God self. This is our Spiritual Intention and we walk with each other on this journey.

Our services, classes and events support us as we unfold the highest and best in ourselves, our community and our planet.
