The Mission Statement of the New Ark United Church of Christ is
To love God,
To love our sisters and brothers as ourselves,
To worship God as an enthusiastic community with all people of all ages fully participating in their own way,
To grow as persons, increasing in knowledge and faith,
To conduct our common life in the caring, trusting atmosphere of an extended family,
To be God's faithful servants, witnessing both individually and corporately,
To proceed with openness, continually re-forming our goals and methods,
To reach out to others to join in the mission of this church, and to use all of our resources for God's work, seeking justice and peace in the world.
Covenant of the New Ark United Church of Christ
Gracious and loving God, who faithfully honored the covenants that you made with our forebears, who sent Christ to be the Light of our world, who continuously bestows newness of life to all, who calls us now to this community of faith, we, the New Ark United Church of Christ, covenant with you and with each other to be your faithful, witnessing community, and depending on your grace, not our merit, vow to let our lives be shaped by your Word. Amen.