A Short History...
God has done many extraordinary miracles here at New Beginnings. The church actually began in 1939 meeting over the Isaly’s store in Meadville. It moved several times until it found a home on North Main St. Ext. When Pastor Harold Ferraro arrived in 1993 the church had declined to 20 people. After the first year, church attendance averaged 95 and by the next year there were two services and attendance reached 160. Attendance kept increasing and by the sixth year 385 people were attending 4 services. It was at this point God made it very clear that we needed to relocate if we were to continue growing. The church purchased the property on Leslie Rd. and a 13,700 square foot facility was built for $800,000.
But God was not done . . . and within just a few more years with all volunteer labor, we added a Counseling Centre and Youth Activity Center and planted Cornerstone Church of God. But God was not done . . . and when our debt was almost paid off, we had out-grown our Worship Center and had no more classrooms available. After much prayer, the congregation voted to add an additional 22,500 square feet—a 1000 seat Family Life Center, Lobby and 8 more classrooms. This allowed us to expand our ministries and reach even more people with Christ’s Gospel and love.
Since that time we have launched a Hearing Impaired Ministry, our first multisite in Titusville, PA, and our midweek service called Country Roads. 1,200 people have made first time commitments to Christ and we believe He’s still not done yet. We believe that God is calling us to fulfill our 2020 Vision as we continue to reach out to our community and beyond. With the retirement of our debt we will be able to move forward toward that dream.