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10150 NorthWest Glencoe Road
Mission :
The purpose of our organization is to achieve the objectives of: (1) Preserving the competitive enterprise system of business by creating a better understanding and appreciation of the importance of business people and a concern for their problems: educating the business community and representing them in the city, county, state and national legislative and political affairs; preventing or addressing controversies which are detrimental to expansion and growth of business and community, if they arise; creating a greater appreciation of the value of a more liberal investment of substance and self on behalf of the interest of competitive business; (2) promoting business and community growth and development by: promoting economic programs designed to strengthen and expand the income potential of all business within the trade area; promoting programs of a civic, social and cultural nature which are designed to increase the functional and aesthetic values of the community; and discovering and correcting abuses which prevent the promotion of business expansion and community growth.
Our major undertaking each year is the Elephant Garlic Festival held the second weekend in August. This has grown each year and has brought the North Plains area major attention from all over the world. Other events sponsored by the Chamber are the citywide garage sales in May, citywide clean up day the Sat. after the garage sales, Chris Olson Memorial Golf Tournament in September, Jingle Parade in December