Established in 1959, we are a Bible bilieving, Christ centered, family oriented, and contemporary congragation. Pastor Workman has been married to his lovely wife, Mary Lee, for 42 years and they have four married children and twelve grandchildren. In the past they have served congregations in Kalamazoo, Michigan and Olympia, Washington before coming to Oasis 22 years ago.
Pastor Workman also serves the denomination as Regional Leader for Home Missions, and in the past he served the denomination as President and is currently tapped as consultant for regional churches.
Javier Torres was born in Bayamón, Puerto Rico and was raised in Providence, Rhode Island. Pastor Javier cherishes his role as dad to his three children; Jennifer, Jacob, and Johnny. Sixty percent of his working time is focused on his denominational position of Regional Leader for Hispanics in the U.S., Canada, and Puerto Rico as well the Southeast Region. Pastor Javier also serves local seminaries as a consultant in Hispanic issues.
His passions include Latin American literature especially those that relate to the Hispanic/Latino experience in the U.S which he studied under Dr. Humberto López Cruz and Judaic Studies/Holocaust under Drs. Moshe Pelli and Kenneth Hanson. Pastor Javier has been invited by local High Schools to speak on the relationship between the Church and anti-Semitism.