OHIO WESLEYAN’S CHARTER provides that “the University is forever to be conducted on the most liberal principles, accessible to all religious denominations, and designed for the benefit of our citizens in general.” In the spirit of its heritage, the University defines itself as a community of teachers and students devoted to the free pursuit of truth. It develops, in its students, qualities of intellect and character that will be useful no matter what they choose to do in later life.
FOUNDED BY METHODISTS in 1842, OWU maintains an active affiliation with The United Methodist Church but is recognized nationally for welcoming students of all religious faiths. The University provides support for all denominations and coordinates an active program of social action and community service.
Known early in its history as the “West Point of Missions” because of the number of graduates who served abroad as missionaries, Ohio Wesleyan later was recognized for the number of alumni who served as Peace Corps volunteers.