About Our School:
Oregon Elementary was built in 1951 and celebrates 64 years of education. The building houses first, second, and third grades in the Johnstown-Monroe School District. Oregon Elementary was rated excellent for seven consecutive years under the previous state report card model and received two A's and a B on the new state report card model. We strive to provide the finest education to the children we service.
We believe in reaching the diverse needs of all learners by continually providing differentiation, intervention, enrichment, and support. Instruction is varied to reach different learning styles through direct instruction, hands-on activities, and cooperative learning. Our mission is to build excellence in every child, every classroom, every day.
Oregon Elementary works hard to provide an engaging atmosphere where each learner can meet his/her needs while also working to develop outstanding character. Through our character education program, we focus on six character traits throughout the school year and look for model students putting that trait to use.
Oregon Elementary has a strong emphasis on technology. Every classroom has a Smartboard, an Elmo document camera, 5 laptops, and desktop computers. Our library is equipped with a NetBook cart and we have a computer lab with 22 desktop computers. Students also use ipod touch, flip videos, and Senteo interactive response clickers.
Assessment at Oregon Elementary is an important tool to guide instruction and develop successful learners. This year, we will use i-ready as our diagnostic and progress monitoring tool, Fountas and Pinnell to identify a child's instructional and independent reading level, and other forms of assessment which include AIMSweb, observations, anecdotal records, checklists, and summative assessments.
We believe that parent involvement and communication between home and school help a child’s success in school. The use of newsletters, websites, and the telephone notification system keep families up to date on school events. We welcome participation in the Parent Teacher Organization (PTO). It is the dedication of the students, staff, parents, and community that help Oregon Elementary continue to be an excellent school.