Parish History
The Lebanese Maronite emigrant families of the Dallas metroplex area dreamed for a long time to have their own spiritual home. Their dreams began to come into fruition in early 1990, when Fr. Elias Abdallah Zaidan (now Bishop in USA, then pastor of the St. George Maronite Church in San Antonio, Texas), began to travel the four and a half hour distance to celebrate the Mass in Dallas, Texas with the faithful. On October 14th, 1990, an official mission was established in Dallas led by permanent pastor, Fr. Paul Marwan Tabet (now Bishop in Canada). That mission was named, Our Lady of Lebanon Maronite Catholic Mission. Services were celebrated at the University of Dallas and at All Saints Catholic Church. This Mission began with approximately 30 families.
Just two years later, in October of 1992, through much effort and dedication, a property of 3.5 acres of land was purchased in a city near Dallas called Lewisville, Texas. This purchase included an 18,000 square foot church building with a room for religious education and a small parish Hall. On November 14, 1992, the building was dedicated by Bishop John George Chedid (who was the Bishop of the diocese of Our Lady of Lebanon of Los Angeles at that time). In August of 1993, Fr. Andre’ Estefan was assigned as pastor for this Mission. At this same time, the Roman Rite (Latin) families began to also join our church and our Mission began to grow.
In October 1994, we held our first annual Lebanese Food Festival on the property to expose our culture and to raise money for the church. In 2015, we presented our 20thAnnual Food Festival, and marked our 25th year as an established church on October 14th, 2015.
In September of 1998, Fr. Assaad ElBasha was assigned to lead the Our Lady of Lebanon Mission in Lewisville, Texas. In 1999, our Mission became a Church. The Parish, under his prayerful leadership, is committed to community service, daily Mass, weekly confession, offering religious education for our children from kindergarten through high school, and daily Adoration of the Holy Eucharist.
How joyful was our community when both our founder, Fr. Elias Abdallah Zaidan, and our first pastor, Fr. Paul Marwan Tabet became Bishops at our beautiful celebration for them and to commemorate the burning of our paid in full mortgage on November 30, 2013 The whole church rejoiced!
The priests of the Congregation of Maronite Lebanese Missionaries have given of themselves selflessly and unceasingly to this parish. They shepherd us, they educate us, they edify us and they strengthen us. We are so thankful to God and to His Blessed Holy Mother for all of the blessings and guidance that we receive from all those priests who emigrated from Lebanon to become our leaders, shepherds, and even Ambassadors of Faith and our Culture.