In the spring of 1890 a few of the resident Baptist of Dewy Rose, realizing the need of a church, withdrew their membership from Deep Creek Baptist Church and Antioch Baptist Church. These residents met in the local school and established the Dewy Rose Baptist Church.
The presbytery was composed of: Rev. L. W. Stevens, Chairman; Rev. J. W. Vickery; Brother W. C. Christian; Rev. G. J. Christian; Mr. And Mrs. John T. Christian; Mr. And Mrs. W. C. Christian; Mr. And Mrs. Jacob Vaughan; Mr. And Mrs. W. A. Brown; Mr. James W. Moore; Mrs. Alex Hall; Mr. And Mrs. John Burden; Mr. E. N. Kinnerbrew; Mr. And Mrs. Riley Crook; and Mr. J. H. Nelms.
Rev. L. W. Stevens was the first pastor of Dewy Rose Baptist Church. Worship services were held in the school until October 1890 when the new House of Worship was completed. The cost of the building was $750.00 and Mr. Ben Willis donated the land on which it was constructed. The first building was a one room wooden structure with two doors on the front and windows down each side. The funeral services of Mr. John T. Christian, held in early November 1890, was one of the first services. His remains were the first to be interred in the church cemetery.
In August 1919 it was decided that the congregation had outgrown the current building and a new House of Worship was needed. Under the pastorate of Rev. A. W. Bussey it was decided to raise $5,000 for the construction of a new House of the Lord. By January 1920 this amount had been raised. Before construction began, the building committee suggested that an additional $5,000 be raised by taking pledges for a five year payment for the construction of the building with a brick veneer. This money was soon pledged and construction began in June 1920. The final cost was about $12,000.
The first services were held in the new sanctuary the third Sunday in February 1921. The church was dedicated December 2, 1928. During the dedication services the church history was read. The two greatest accomplishments of Dewy Rose Baptist Church during this time was the pledge to support the Georgia Baptist Convention's mission programs and the organization of the local chapter of Women's Missionary Society. Also, during this period the church had organized its Baptist Young People's Union and the Sunday School Program.
In 1937 a movement was started by the WMS to purchase new pews for the church. The amount of $811.67 was collected and the pews were purchased in 1938. A plaque was placed on each pew showing the donor's name.