On 7 February 1977 the club precursor “Friends of Palomino Valley” negotiated with McCulloch Properties, Inc. of Fountain Hills, Arizona, to make the charitable sale of 530 acres land with 20 acre-feet water rights to Washoe County for $10, with the arrangement for land to be granted specifically for the purpose of a gun club or similar recreational facility open and available for use by the general public.
In 1980, Phase 1 of the Washoe County Regional Shooting Facility (WCRSF) was completed and the range was opened to the public. Phase 1 engineering was done by Walter’s Engineering, and the construction completed by Tannenbaum Construction. Funding for the completion of Phase 1 was provided by: construction tax, general fund, Heritage Conservation and Recreation Services, a donation from the National Rifle Association (NRA) for $50,000, and donation from McCulloch Properties for $100,000. A stipulation for the NRA donation was that the Association may utilize the range for sanctioned or sponsored shooting matches free of charge.