About Us:
We Are the CHURCH of Jesus Christ.
Jesus called us His “Ecclesia”, His people who are called out of the world to both learn of God and serve God through His teachings. We are members of the Body of Christ throughout the world.
Presbyterian is a denomination of Christianity which is democratically organized to embrace the faith common to all Christians.
“Presbyteros” is a New Testament word meaning “elder” and refers to the custom of choosing spiritual leaders from among the members of the church. The local church is governed by elders who are elected from and by their peers. Elders make up a decision-making body called the Session.
Park Lake is a member of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). We are in ministry and cooperation with many other Presbyterian Churches who are members of the Central Florida Presbytery.
Park Lake is a local congregation, representative of the larger church, gathered in this place to do the work of Jesus Christ. All are welcome to worship here and join our journey with God as we go into the world as disciples of Christ.