Our goal here at Parkway is to help students acquire meaningful, successful learning experiences throughout the school year. We encourage and look forward to your active participation in your child's learning. An effective and successful educational program must include the cooperative team efforts of parents, students, teachers, and administrators.
Parkway School's mission reflects the collaborative beliefs shared by its faculty, staff, and families. We believe that learners-centered education places its focus on the needs of learners and inspires children to develop into responsible citizens and productive members of society. We believe an effective educational program enables students to master a body of knowledge and competencies. We believe that a nurturing, safe environment ensures physical and emotional well being which enables individuals to reach their fullest potential. We believe that education is fostered through partnerships that use teamwork to accomplish goals.
Parkway School's teachers extend themselves well beyond the school day assisting students with academics. Teachers work closely with the principal reviewing and analyzing students achievement data that enables us to develop strategies to improve instructional strategies. Parkway School's instructional program is aligned with the New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards. Special subjects offered at Parkway School include art, music, library computer technology and physical education. Spanish is taught for thirty minutes weekly to children in Kindergarten. We offer Achievement in Mathematics (AIM) and Academic Class Enrichment (ACE) for academically talented students in grades 3-5. Parkway School has implemented and innovative character education program, Positive Action Within Students (PAWS). Each month, as positive character trait is introduces to our children in classroom lessons and school-wide activities. Planning for these activities is a collaborative effort involving faculty, parents/guardians and students. PAWS character education traits include self-esteem, respect, responsibility, caring, perseverance, kindness, honesty, peace, courage and citizenship. Family and community involvement plays key roles in student success at Parkway School. Our PTA sponsors over fifteen committees. Parents/senior citizens volunteer in our breakfast program and in the library. They also work on extra-curricula activities such as plays. Parent/guardians plan our fall Craft's Fair and Valentine Pancake Breakfast. Our fifth grade parent group supports our annual field trips, our fifth grade party and moving-up ceremony. Parkway School has developed an exemplary program of public engagement that (a) embraces the active partnership and participation of teachers, families, businesses and higher education, (b) supports the school's mission to achieve academic and behavioral excellence and (c) promotes a vibrant and productive community of learners. Several examples illustrate how Parkway School's public engagement program promotes high student achievement. Our Wee Deliver Postal Program, sponsored by the U.S. Post Office enriches literacy. Children record and report the meteorological data daily as part of our WCAU-TV Weather Net Program. The College of New Jersey presently recognizes Parkway School as a laboratory school. College students learn pedagogical practices from our teachers as well as provide instructional support to our children. Parkway School is very proud of its vocal and instrumental music groups. We are one of the few elementary schools in our region with a student hand bell club. Additional exemplary activities include our 100 Book Club, Book Publishing Club, Gardening Club, Patrols, and Talent Showcases. Parkway School also sponsors morning and after school Extended Day Programs (EDP). Parkway School has become a school of choice for parents/guardians to send their children. As our school's bumper sticker proudly celebrates, "Parkway School-Where Everyone is Someone" has indeed become a reality.