Started in 1983 as a small u-cut tree farm I planted 2 acres of Noble Fir, Grand Fir, and Douglas Fir trees to help my children as a college fund. As the years progressed, more people complained they could not find a tree farm where they had first choice, the best quality, and variety of trees rather than the "left overs" from a tree farm that practiced WHOLESALE/U-CUT farming. So, from 1990 to 1997 the remainder of the farm was cleared and planted with six different varieties of trees: Grand, Douglas, Nordmann, Fraser, Blue Spruce, and of course the grandest of them all - Noble Fir. In the year 2000, I decided to become more diversified by growing holly and "greens" such as Incense Cedar, Red Cedar, and FRESH custom wreaths made to perfection. I culture and care for all trees myself giving you my personal signature on each tree.