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Pathway Chuch at ladera Ranch

33 Kyle Court

Mission :

People helping people grow into fully developed followers of Christ.

Fully developed followers have God first in their lives through worship, prayer, and consistent Bible study. They view their family as their number one ministry. They give their lives fully, becoming the persons that God made them to be.

Vision  :

Our vision is to help people get off the fast track of life that leads to a dead end of worldly emptiness and onto God's pathway of eternal significance with Him. God's pathway is following Jesus Christ, experiencing an eternal and abundantly fulfilling life with Him.


Our world seeks securtiy, but there is no safety apart from God. In light, of that, we've developed an acronym to help our members remember our core values, 'GO SAFE.'

God is first in all areas of our lives, our families, and our ministries through worship, prayer, Bible study, serving others, and reaching the lost for His Kingdom.

Others' needs are met through a commitment to field mission and local service opportunities. In our daily experience we love others by following a lifestyle of 'prayer, care, share.' We pray for others' needs; we demonstrate love by showing in tangible ways we care; then we share the good news of God's love.

Self-development is essential to a strong witness for Christ. God accepts people where they are, but challenges us to grow towards being fully developed followers of Christ.

All churches that believe in the one true Jesus Christ are important to us. Pathway seeks to work together with other local and worldwide churches to further God's Kingdom on earth.

Families are to be the believer's number one ministry. Family ministry is also Pathway's number one ministry and is integrated into all aspects of the church. We seek for ways to worship, pray, serve, etc. across generations. We seek to create a sense of belonging (community) in God's family.

Excellence is what God expects of us. We seek to give Him our best with the resources He gives us.

Beliefs :

We believe there is one true God who eternally exists in three persons. The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit. All three are distinct in relationship, yet at the same time is one in essence and purpose.

We believe Jesus Christ is God’s eternal Son. Being God in a bod (both fully God and fully man), He was born of the virgin Mary, lived a sinless life, and offered Himself to die on the cross for the sins of the world. Rose literally from the dead on the third day Jesus ascended into heaven to prepare a place for believers. Finally, Jesus is the only One (besides the Holy Spirit) who can intercede on our behalf.

We believe the Bible is inspired by God and is the final authority on all issues of faith and life. The Bible reveals to us the truth about God’s character, the sinful state of humanity, and God’s work of redemption through His Son, Jesus Christ. Written by human authors under supernatural guidance through the Holy Spirit, the Bible consist of 66 books making up both the Old and the New Testaments and is alive and active, able to change lives.

We believe that humanity is in a state of sin and is in need of the redemption work of Jesus Christ on the cross. Humanity was originally created in the image of God but fell into a sinful state through the fall of Adam and Eve. As a result of this fallen condition, all of humanity are born separated from God and in need of salvation that is only found in Christ through the cross.

We believe that salvation is a free gift from God. There is nothing that humanity can do to earn salvation. Only by believing that Jesus died for your sins personally can anyone be saved from the penalty of sin: eternal separation from God in hell. Salvation begins with a willingness to repent and ask Jesus to become your personal Lord and Savior. Jesus must become the Captain of your heart, the King sitting on your throne, the Lord of you life. When we turn from our self-ruled life and become a follower of Christ, we begin the Christian journey of eternal life with God. The Christian journey will be characterized with many milestones, markers of spiritual growth and maturity.

We believe that unity of believers is an important characteristic of the genuine Church of God. The belief statements above are what Pathway considers primary beliefs. Primary beliefs are what Pathway considers being the foundation of the Church. We want to have an inclusive attitude that understands there are many different secondary beliefs held by many different churches and denominations. We believe there are too many churches that are willing to break unity over secondary beliefs resulting in the weakening of the body of Christ. Pathway will strive for unity as long as the primary beliefs of the Church are not violated.