In August of 1998, the ELCA Division for Outreach called a mission pastor to serve the surrounding Dover-Eyota community. This new ‘mission start’ was a partnership venture between the SE MN Synod and Our Savior’s Lutheran Church of Rochester and was named “Peace”.
Peace held it’s first service of worship in 1999 at the Dover-Eyota elementary school. Then, in October 2001 Peace was organized and became the 185th congregation of the SE MN Synod. In November 2011, the congregation dedicated their new and current building.
Peace continues to be a community which cares deeply for each other and for their neighbors. The congregation is active in community outreach and partners with other local churches to hold a Summer Vacation Bible school each year.
Peace may be a small congregation but it has a big heart and is focused on changing the world one person, and family at a time.