Our Vision & Mission is to:
Exalt - Christ! In all that we do, He is to be glorified, magnified, and His Kingdom multiplied!
Equip - Each Other! As a church family, we realize God expects us to connect with Him and each other through personal relationships in our hearts, homes, families, and Church Home. We are called to grow in our relationships with Christ Jesus and each other through Discipleship. We help each other to love, learn, and lean-on God's Word, God's Will, and God's Ways!
Engage - Our Community! We are fully committed to the fulfillment of The Great Commission! Our goal is to be both a "lighthouse" and a "lifehouse" for our whole region. We strive to be a beacon of hope and outreach as an extension of the hands and feet of Jesus in our community. We do not see service as "work" but a joy in our "witness" of Who Christ is to us, What He has done for us, and Who He desires to be to all humanity!