The Plumas Amateur Radio Club is a non-profit group of Amateur Radio enthusiasts, located in the Northern Sierra Navada Mountains in American Valley. We are associated with the Amateur Radio Rely League (ARRL) and maintain 3-2 meter VHF Repeaters on mountaintops in the area. Our pupose is to enjoy radio sport, support our Communities by providing free Emergency Communications to Events such as the Lost & Found Bicycle Ride, the Indian Valley Century Ride, the Running with the Bears Marathon (a Boston Marathon Qualifier), the Patriot Equine Endurance Ride and the Leaf Peepers Ride in the Fall.
PARC also trains for Disaster Mitigation, working on Drills with the Office of Emergency Services (OES) in preparation for possible disasters. RACES (Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Services) is group that works with governmental agencies. ARES (Amateur Radio Emergency Services) works with non-profits, such as the American Red Cross. PARC supports and are members in both of these organizations.
Our meetings are on the third Friday of the month at the Quincy Library Conference Room at 1900 hours (7 PM) and are open to anyone with an interest in Amateur Radio. Our weekly Nets are on 145.470 at 1930 hours.
For further information, contact Larry Trotter, KI6YUK on 145.470 VHF. 73's!