"Building a church where every person knows Jesus and believes he or she can make a difference for Jesus' sake."
Through Worship - Striving to create an atmosphere where people of all ages feel they are part of the worship experience.
Through Education - Providing Christ-centered, biblical-based learning opportunities for all ages.
Through Fellowship - Providing opportunities to support and encourage one another and to deepen friendships within this body of Christ. Also, using our church newsletter and web page as tools for communication.
Through Mission and Outreach - Prayerful and financial support of Christian missionaries and organizations, both domestic and worldwide and providing information and/or opportunities for mission trips for Pompton Reformed Church members. Directing at least 10% of our annual budget to mission and outreach. Purposeful outreach to those without a faith community.
Through Operations - Faithful stewardship and care of all Pompton Reformed Church properties
Through Finance - To insure the financial stability of the Pompton Reformed Church, so that it is able to support and enlist followers of Jesus Christ our Lord.