Indian Valley Local Schools’ mission statement is:
Working together to personalize a rigorous standards-based learning experience.
A mission statement gives direction to each day’s work. As professionals responsible for the learning of all students, a clear purpose helps us to guide decision making and prioritize the competing needs that confront us on a daily basis. I would like to share what this looks like at Indian Valley.
Working Together
The tradition in public education for many decades has been for teachers to work isolation. However, preparing our students for the complex and competitive demands of today’s learning environment and job market is bigger than any one person. As educators, we are committed to working together to ensure the success of each student. Collaboration among our faculty is essential in delivering the professional knowledge and expertise we collectively possess. In short, we work as a team to help us deliver the best possible education for our students.
To Personalize
Personalizing a student’s education manifests in different ways. First, each student comes to us with different background knowledge and life experiences. At the elementary level, our teachers focus on identifying how the varied backgrounds have impacted students academically. They target instruction not only for areas of academic deficiency, but plan learning experiences for students to further build upon their strengths. While this continues in the middle grade levels, we begin helping students identify their personal interests and how those relate to various career fields. Once in high school, the center of attention begins to focus on personalizing the academic pathway necessary for a student to attain the career of his or her choice.