Prairieland Frontiersmen, Inc. is an Illinois not-for-profit corporation organized in 1975. The Club is managed by a Board of Directors consisting of nine directors elected annually at large from the general membership in October of each year. The Club's fiscal year is from October 1st to September 30th of the following year. At present, there are about 130 paying members in the Club. The Club is not strictly a primitive Club, as buckskinners and "blue-jean" shooters are about equally represented.
The Club encourages participation by spouses and children. Children must be under the direct supervision of parents or some other responsible adult while at the range. Any youth under the age of 16 may shoot, but must have an adult present at all times who is experienced and knowledgeable in black powder firearms. In addition, the adult must load the weapon for any youth under the age of 12. The youth may also load the gun from age 12 to 16. At the Spring Rendezvous, we will have a special junior shoot for those under the age of 16. Age 16 and above compete in the adult matches. We do also have a children's playground.