About Us:
GUESTS, ABOVE ALL ELSE, we want to make sure that today you have heard how much God loves you. God loves you so much that He has withheld nothing from you—not even the life of His Son, Jesus the Christ. For you see, the sin that we are born into, and which plagues us every day of our life, is appalling to God, an inescapable death sentence. God does not want us to die eternally. So, before the creation of the world, He devised the Plan of Salvation. In His plan, Jesus, God’s eternal Son, voluntarily substituted Himself for us in death. On Good Friday, He died for all sin; On Easter morning, He rose again victorious over death. Because of this, all who believe in Jesus Christ, both as Lord and Savior, will receive forgiveness and eternal life. How do we receive this wonderful gift from God? We ask God for the gift of faith, through the Holy Spirit, to believe in Jesus. We seek His Baptism of forgiveness. We feast with Christ at His Supper.