Providence High School is a Catholic, accredited, college preparatory school for young men and women. Our goal is to develop each student to his / her fullest potential as a leader, a responsible citizen of the world, who is imbued with a strong set of moral values, a sense of service and a love of learning. Sponsored by the Sisters of Providence, the school is located in the San Fernando Valley, serving the greater Los Angeles area. We work in collaboration with the parents who are acknowledged as the primary educators of their sons and daughters. We begin our work with the belief that each student is essentially good and infinitely lovable. Guided by our Catholic tradition, we recognize Jesus Christ as the model of the total person we are seeking to develop. In our mission of education, we strive for academic excellence and the total development of the individual.
Vision Statement
Providence High School is a Catholic, private, co-educational, college preparatory institution which endeavors to serve students of varied academic capabilities and from different religious, social and economic backgrounds. The school carries on the educational mission of the Church within the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. It continues the educational heritage and vision of the Sisters of Providence who sponsor the school.
We participate in the total mission of the Church by proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus, by creating an environment of Christian community and by encouraging service to others.
We provide an education based on the Christian principles as expressed by the Catholic tradition; we recognize the claim to education that is the right of each individual; we recognize each student as a unique individual with abilities, insights and needs which are in process; and we recognize Christ as the model of the total person we are seeking to develop. Guided by these principles, we seek to lead the student toward a more free, responsible and God-centered life. This program provides an atmosphere in which the student prepares not only for further formal education, but also for lifelong learning.
Our present college preparatory program reflects our belief in encouraging our students to make personal choices that demonstrate awareness and responsibility to promote human dignity.
Our task as educators is not accomplished by ourselves. We share this mission and its various responsibilities with parents, who are primary educators, the communities in which they live and the local Church.